Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mission Trip Count Down

The 2013 Costa Rica mission team went on their first hike last Saturday in preparation for their trip in August. Carey said they had a wonderful time of fellowship, but I think he's still a little sore from carrying the heavy backpack... :)

Also, the church garage sale raised over $3,000! That's almost enough to pay for three people!!! Thank you to everyone who donated their items and time to make this fundraiser a success. Once again, God proved that he is more than capable of taking care of our needs.

While the trip is still a few months away, I want to remind everyone to keep the trip members in your prayers. Going to a foreign country to help spread the gospel can be very spiritually, emotionally, and physically challenging. We need to drown our fellow church members with a protection of prayer both now and while they are in Costa Rica. I know firsthand the powerful strength that prayer brings when you're outside your comfort zone and you feel like you're going to mentally collapse at any moment (remember the stolen bag?). It makes ALL the difference!!!

Soon I will be gathering little gifts for Bart, Heather, and Eden (the missions family) to send with the team. I want to bless them for their obedience, service, and willingness to host our team.  If you'd like to contribute in some way please let me know.