Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mission Trip Count Down

The 2013 Costa Rica mission team went on their first hike last Saturday in preparation for their trip in August. Carey said they had a wonderful time of fellowship, but I think he's still a little sore from carrying the heavy backpack... :)

Also, the church garage sale raised over $3,000! That's almost enough to pay for three people!!! Thank you to everyone who donated their items and time to make this fundraiser a success. Once again, God proved that he is more than capable of taking care of our needs.

While the trip is still a few months away, I want to remind everyone to keep the trip members in your prayers. Going to a foreign country to help spread the gospel can be very spiritually, emotionally, and physically challenging. We need to drown our fellow church members with a protection of prayer both now and while they are in Costa Rica. I know firsthand the powerful strength that prayer brings when you're outside your comfort zone and you feel like you're going to mentally collapse at any moment (remember the stolen bag?). It makes ALL the difference!!!

Soon I will be gathering little gifts for Bart, Heather, and Eden (the missions family) to send with the team. I want to bless them for their obedience, service, and willingness to host our team.  If you'd like to contribute in some way please let me know.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Abundant Needs

Carey and I are so thankful that his Costa Rica trip will be paid for within the next month! God has blessed us far beyond what we deserve. However, there are quite a few trip members who still need significant financial help.

Our first church fundraiser for the trip is a Garage Sale on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20. There will be TONS of items! Come check them out, all the while knowing that the profits go directly towards the trip. (Church address: 526 Hercules Lane, Denton)

The price of the trip is approximately $1,200 per person. While that may not seem like much (especially for a mission trip), it is a lot when you don't have it! And it's a lot when your family, like a lot of our trip participants, is already stretched as much as possible when it comes to finances. These are hardworking, loving, godly people who have the heart to serve. Shouldn't we do all we can to help them?

We are going to help the rest of the team as much as we can. Will you join our efforts? Will you consider giving money or attending the garage sale? Imagine what it's like to have the confidence that you need to go, but you don't have the finances. And then imagine how you would feel if someone paid that debt for you! It would be a direct representation of how Christ paid the debt for our sins. If we can't share that love with fellow believers, then we certainly won't be able to share it with non-believers.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Blessings Abound

We are so thankful for God's provision! We raised half the amount of Carey's Costa Rica mission trip with the garage sale. Thank you to everyone who donated items! :) Our church has a couple more fundraisers to benefit those going on the 2013 mission trip. There will be a church-wide garage sale on April 19, and a worship concert is in the works for the end of June. Stay tuned for more details.

Next year I am considering a Quilt Auction fundraiser. If you like to quilt, or have a quilt you'd like to donate, let me know!

Again, thank you for your support. The 2013 TNBC team will be leaving for Costa Rica before we know it and we can't wait to see how God uses them to reach the Guaymi people.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Garage Sale in a Week!

It's almost here! The garage sale is next Saturday, and we're getting everything ready. Thank you to those who have already donated items. Did you know that when you GIVE according to how God asks you to give (even if you just think it's "junk"), that you share in the blessing of what he is doing?

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

The money we raise is to equip Carey (and possibly others) to share the gospel with the Costa Ricans. How cool is that?! So, yes, we will still take donations. We can't wait for God to show us, once again, that he is our provider and strength.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Okay, guys - our garage sale is coming up! It's scheduled for 6am-12pm on Saturday, March 9th. We still need items considering we pretty much cleaned up our house last year! lol We will be happy to take ANYTHING off your hands. Clothes, toys, small appliances, furniture, etc. And old DVDs are big sellers, so go through your collection! :)

Some of the items we already have include a small, electronic Dirt Devil vacuum, a vertical space heater (it's VERY nice), a few DVDs, women's dress clothing, stuffed animals, other small toys, a few books, a glass top coffee table (it's also VERY nice), a tennis racket, and an over-the-toilet bathroom storage shelf (bronze color). Come on by to check it all out.

And remember that ALL the profits go towards the Costa Rica trip! This is a great opportunity to get rid of some junk and support the spreading of the gospel. :) Thanks for your help!

Monday, January 28, 2013

God Says, "I've Got This!"

I was reminiscing the other day and felt led to remind everyone about the "miracle quarters" story from last year. If you remember, Carey and I went shopping before last year's mission trip to get the last final items that we needed, but we weren't sure we'd have enough money. Luckily, God was faithful inspite of our doubt and we had three quarters to spare! Well, something similar happened to me last week...

Imagine a perfect Tuesday - the sun shining down with warm beams and a gentle, cool breeze that makes you want to move to Colorado (like right now, not in a couple years). Now imagine your perfect Tuesday being ruined by a nail in a tire that nearly prevents you from making it safely off the highway. No big deal, though. "Old" Leah would have thrown a hissy fit and growled at everyone for the rest of the day. "New" Leah, however (the Leah who has been slightly polished since becoming a mom), was able to recognize the positive points:
1. I made it safely to the baby-sitter's house to drop off Joe and thus had a safe place to change my tire (and no baby to worry about in the car).
2. I was dressed most appropriately in well-fitting, dark dress clothes that would hide any leftover residue from changing a tire.
3. It really couldn't have been a NICER day. Really, no exaggeration here.
4. There was a fire station across the street. If all else failed, I could ask them for help. But that would be a last resort, of course!

So, I took off the bad tire and put on the spare, all the while singing in my head to keep my spirits up. Soon everything was changed and put away and I was close to singing my "He-Woman" battle cry. Until I realized the spare was flat. I DID need the firemen. Darn.

I drove my three good tires and my halfway-aired-up spare tire across the street. Went in the reception area to find no one there. I knocked on the garage door. Nothing. I went to the back and knocked a little harder on another door. Still nothing. Then I banged the crap out of the other two doors that were left. NOTHING! I couldn't help but think, "Gosh, where is a fireman when you need him?!"

Then I did what any other twenty-something female would have done - I called my parents. Mom said she would come rescue me and we could go air up the spare tire, but luckily the firemen arrived back at the station soon after our conversation. A nice gentlemen aired up my spare tire and even put it back on the car (which was nice because my right arm was literally going to fall off if I had to put on ONE MORE TIRE).

On the way to work I realized I'd have to shell out at least $100 to get a new tire. It caused instant stress. Here I was trying to help my husband go to Costa Rica and some crazy person decided to lose a nail right where my car was going to drive (yes, I became more petty at this point). I told God that I didn't understand. He whispered on my heart, "Relax, Leah." As I continued to mentally whine, I was reminded of the three "miracle" quarters. We had enough then, and I instantly knew that I would have enough now. God had already provided the funds for this new tire. I didn't know where the money would come from, but I knew God was more than capable of figuring it out so I wouldn't have to.

After school I went to get my tire changed and the gentleman behind the counter politely replied that my flat tire was still under warranty. And he told me it would cost $23 to get a new tire put on my car. My mouth fell open and I asked him to repeat the amount.

I wanted to kiss the man behind the counter. No, not the fireman from earlier, but the man who saved me money (but don't worry, I refrained)! There was no way he could have realized the blessing God allowed him to be a part of. And the amazing reminder is God says, "Leah, I've got this!" even with a flat tire.

And he's got the whole Costa Rica thing too. Just like he did last year. My heart is full of his provision and thankful for reminders of his faithfulness. His mercies really are, "New every morning," even when those mornings involve a flat tire! I hope my recollection blesses you today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ways to Give

Several people have asked how they can financially support Carey for this year's mission trip. Thank you so much for your encouragement and giving hearts! If you'd like to give, you can write a check to "TNBC" with Carey's name on the memo line. Then send it to 526 Hercules Lane, Denton TX 76209. We're asking that all checks be made out and sent to the church for discretionary reasons.

Also, there will soon be a Costa Rica mission trip website linked to our church website. An option to donate through PayPal will then be available. You can wait for this method of payment if you like. We certainly welcome all who feel called to give towards this special ministry!

Thank you for your continued prayers as our church gears up for another trip!