Saturday, March 9, 2013

Blessings Abound

We are so thankful for God's provision! We raised half the amount of Carey's Costa Rica mission trip with the garage sale. Thank you to everyone who donated items! :) Our church has a couple more fundraisers to benefit those going on the 2013 mission trip. There will be a church-wide garage sale on April 19, and a worship concert is in the works for the end of June. Stay tuned for more details.

Next year I am considering a Quilt Auction fundraiser. If you like to quilt, or have a quilt you'd like to donate, let me know!

Again, thank you for your support. The 2013 TNBC team will be leaving for Costa Rica before we know it and we can't wait to see how God uses them to reach the Guaymi people.

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