Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Garage Sale Plans

The date for the garage sale is Saturday, March 9th. If you have some old junk lying around that you want to get rid of, let us know! The money earned will go towards Carey's Costa Rica trip in August. Please pray with us that this garage sale will be extremely successful. Our hope is that we will be able to help others go as well!

We are also working on getting DVDs made of the 20-minute presentation from last year's trip. It is VERY convicting to say the least! We hope to give them out as reminders of the trip and as extra motivation for those who are thinking about going this year. We will let you know when we get them finished.

If you'd like to see some of the people we met last year, here is a link to a Christmas video taken a month ago. We met most of the Guaymi people featured in this video. We hope it blesses your heart!


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