Friday, January 4, 2013

Here We Go Again!

Well, Carey will be going again anyway. Our church recently made a three year commitment to the Village of Pita (a different village than the one we visited last year) on the Guaymi reservation near San Vito, Costa Rica. We will fund and build the school! This means we will be sending a team each year until it is completed. We are beyond excited and honored that God has entrusted us with this task.

Carey is confident in God's calling for him to return to Costa Rica this year. I, however, am confident that God wants me to sit this trip out. There are several other people who did not get the chance to go last year who feel led to participate this time around. So, I am going to have a more supportive role - helping with the fundraisers (we will be having another garage sale for Carey plus several church sponsored fundraisers), giving so others can go, and lifting each member up in prayer. The trip will consist of a lot of manual labor (swinging hammers all day), so I don't know how much help I'd be anyway! lol But I know God will send the right people to accomplish His will for this second trip to the Guaymi people. It is quite an adventure!

Please join us in praying for the upcoming trip. And if you'd like to give towards the building of the school or towards traveling expenses for those who are going you can certainly do that as well. We want everyone to do what God is leading them to do because He has already equipped us to meet these needs.

I think of the verse found in Isaiah 6:8 which says, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Our church has obediently said, "Here [we] are! Send [us]!" How wonderful it is to be used by God!

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